Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Give 2 Minutes to Know Manmohan Singh

Respected Manmohan Singh , Prime Minister of our country says, “Food inflation may be sign of growing prosperity”. 

Manmohan Singh is surrounded by persons of top trade houses and top industrialists of the country. He lives in and around richest people of India and he interacts only with mostly rich people. He moves in foreign countries for attending various meeting , talks with wealthy ministers and guided by corrupt team of senior officers and hence he always come across signs of prosperity.

He has read in books various principles of economics and the result of various economic theories. He keeps his eyes and ears closed and act as per theory what he has read during his college life when the economic condition and global scene was entirely different.

Manmohan Singh is thus not aware of pathetic position of 100 crores Indians who live and die in poverty, who are moving from pillar to post in search of suitable employment and who cannot afford good house to live in and good schools and colleges where he can afford quality education.. He is not at all interested to realize the pain of poor and this is why he says that food inflation is sign of growing prosperity.

Government of Manmohan Singh may blame BJP, NDA or other opposition parties or state governments for the failure of central government in stopping price rise or in curbing corruption , may promise for uncalled for reservation quota for Muslims or Dalits, may waive loans of farmers to the tune of billions of rupees on the eve of general election, may torture Team Anna or Ramdeo and their followers but cannot change the perception of common men for long. Anger of common men against anti people attitude of the government is visible to all.

Manmohan Singh says that food inflation is the sign of growing prosperity. In our country, person earning Rs.32 and higher in a day is not poor as per guidelines issued by his government and hence he is right in saying that Indian mass is prosperous .

National advisory committee advises Sonia Gandhi that rise is petrol price will not have much impact on inflation and not affect or contribute in price rise. It further says that petrol is used by hardly 5% of Indian population. It means 95% of Indian population cannot afford Motor cycle or scooty and they do not need petrol. This is why Manmohan Singh justifies hike is petrol price and he is further ready to accelerate price rise and inflation by deregulation of price of diesel in line with petrol deregulation so that prosperity of India my go up and up. Three salute to Doctor MS for his vast knowledge in Economics.

I am a layman, however i would like to suggest learned MS to impose tax on water and there is no doubt that price rise will be more steep and food inflation will go higher and higher symbolizing prosperity growth of the country and at last his reputation will go from global level to other planets too.

Theory without practice is impotent and practice without theory is blind.
Leaders like Manmohan Singh, Chidambram, Pranab Mukherjee and Montek Singh Ahulwalia may possess a good number of valued degrees in Economic and political science, but they have miserably failed in using economic principles and political ideologies for the betterment of common men and for overall development and equitable growth of the country.

Manmohan Singh may be clean and honest and simple too but he as head of the government has failed to stop corruption of his ministers.

There may be many reputed advocates in the cabinet of Manmohan Singh, but they have completely failed to ensure quick and affordable justice to all.

There may many wise men in the government ruling the country, but they have not performed well to provide affordable education to children of poor and middle class families. Congress Party could promise a lot of public welfare scheme but during last fifty years of their rule they could not ensure safe water , quality health care centers and adequate electricity in all part of the country.

Policies of reformation, privatization, liberalization and globalization adopted by Manmohan Singh led government may have given benefits to a few hundred rich trade houses but failed to protect the interest of common men.

Leaders of ruling UPA led by Congress Party may have experience of four to five decades in ruling the country but they have completely failed to ensure good governance and corruption free departments and failed to mitigate the hardship common men are facing in their day to day life.

GDP growth of India may be comparable with China and may be higher than that of USA, UK, Japan, Germany and many other developed countries. But the government led by Manmohan Singh has completely failed to provide comfortable and respectful living for common men.

Price rise and pain of inflation is beyond control of the government. Manmohan Singh has given conflicting and confusing statement many times during last three four years on the issue of price rise but failed to convince aggrieved common men. Sometime he says that he has got no magic stick which can stop price rise and some other time he says that he says that price rise represents prosperity of Indians.

He says that his government has been taking appropriate steps to contain price rise and have been making one after promises to control price rise, giving one after other dates by which prices of goods will start coming down.RBI has taken a lot of monetary steps, revised interest rate 13 to 14 times and amended policies frequently to control price rise and inflation but failed to achieve the goal.
I am however hundred percent sure that person like Manmohan Singh cannot control price rise because instead of striking at root cause of price rise and inflation they are providing all ingredients needed for speedy growth of root causes of price rise and inflation. The causes which results in price rise and inflation are in view of Manmohan Singh are contributors of growth and development and also help in survival of his government.

What is justification for giving subsidy, interest concession, providing free land or low cost land to big exporters, top industrialist when our government thinks it unwise and undesirable to give tax concession on prices of petrol to give relief to common men?

They may think that diesel is used by only poor and by farmers or by only bus operators, not at all by rich people? They are totally mistaken and misguided. Bitter truth is that diesel and domestic gas cylinders are used by rich business men in their diesel car and for their hotel, businesses, and industries and so on. Government may think that poor only uses kerosene oil? But the bitter truth is that kerosene is mostly used in adulteration by petrol or diesel distributors in nexus with oil producing and oil distributing companies.

Secondly when government is weak, why is government providing high class food to MPs at nominal and negligible cost and bearing the entire cost from government exchequer?

Why all PSUs provide subsidized goods including gas , coal, food, houses to their employees.?

When government says that it has freed petrol price to be decided by market dynamics, why not the same government is withdrawing all facilities extended to exporters, importers, industrialists, traders, service providers and leaving them to survive on market dynamics?

Why all bitter laws are meant for poor and downtrodden only. It hardly matters much if a few facilities are snatched from rich class people to share the same with common men.

Unfortunately Government decides and regularly regulates bus fare, auto fare, taxi fare, coolie charges but not having any control on higher and higher profit ratio loaded on each goods by their producers and sellers.
Government of India under the leadership of Manmohan Singh introduced policies of liberalization, privatization and globalization in the year 1991 and since then pathetic position of common men have gone from bad to worse and the difference between rich and poor have widened to a dangerous level.
Number of poor has trebled i.e. from 35 crores to 105 crores and number of rich has also trebled from 5 crores to 15 crores. 

Unregulated and unwarranted freedom to business houses, to rich people and to high profile politicians has resulted in globalization or protest, globalization of revolt. A few lacs of Politicians, a few lacs of officers and a few crores of businessmen have accumulated all wealth in their fold and poor common men are left crying and crying only. It is poor who are later termed as downtrodden and destitute.

Even banks which were nationalized by Indira Gandhi to serve common men from local money lenders and to extend loan to common men at subsidized rate are now engaged in serving only rich people. High value loans processed in a day or two and sanctioned at low interest rate whereas low value projects are referred to NGO or Micro Finance Institutes which charges unbearable interest rate and where even months are wasted in processing and sanctioning of loan.. Higher the deposit, higher is the rte offered by banks, For low value deposits, even savings deposits: banks offer lower rate than rate which is offered to rich people for bulk deposit.
Lastly I dare ask a question to all, 

How long 105 crore poor people support anti poor policies of Manmohan Singh and his government?”

I am unhappy to observe that members of Team Anna, Ramdeo Baba and his followers are giving unwarranted reaction / response on the barking of one Dog let loose willfully by ruling party to weaken movements launched by various forum and organization against their misdeeds, against corruption, against black money and against unprecedented price rise.

It is unfortunate that One Dog is barking all the time on all issues and against all right thinking people and diverting the mind of all media men and India loving citizen from burning national issues to totally irrelevant and non Issues. I condemn media men who try to focus the mind of views on non Issues and dilute the intensity of movement launched against black money, corruption, price rise etc.

I appeal to all who are supporters of fight against corruption and black money and those who are followers of Team Anna and Ramdeo or Guru Ravi Shankar should avoid responding on statement made by barking Dog. Rather I appeal to member of all these forums to shed their personal differences and personal ego and come together to fight against the corrupt system jointly. Please do not common against each other to become victim of ruling party which is bent upon ruling the country by adopting the policy of “Divide and Rule”

If ruling party can peep into past of Ramdeo Baba and member of Team Anna to puncture their movement , why not members of Team Anna and Ramdeo Baba spread all over the country discover the evil works and crime committed by important members of ruling party silently and expose them.

We should stop fighting in past and try to involve in healthy discussion on current issues. Everyone is Khira Chor, it does not mean that Hira chor should be exonerated from his guilt and doors of courts and that of police station should be closed for all.
“Chori upar Sina Chori” is possible by ruling party only because we are divided on various points like caste, community, region, religion and personal egos as mentioned above.
Ravan ka Badh karna hai to Ram aur Ram ki Sena ko chalaki se yudh karna hoga.

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